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premade coils choice


New Member
Feb 2, 2017
hello guys!

I'm looking for some flavour chasing premade coils for sapor rda. as deck is pretty small and I dont like vaping on more than 70w, I want something that will fit and work on smaller wattage. is there option to fit staple staggered fused claptons in Sapor? or just stick with aliens?

I also pretty much enjoy rda deck in smok spirals. there is some spaced thing preinstalled. what coils I would fit into this without issues?

Whilst the Sapor was a damned finest kind dripper back in the day, and still is if you can be on straight wire builds, for most young thrusters these days who like posh coils it might no cut the mustard.

You'll be going well if you can get a standard Clapton with 0.4mm core in the post holes.

Give some 0.5mm Nichrome in the Sapor a go or some 0.45 316 SS, you don't need fancy wire in a Sapor for good flavour.
thank you, I ordered some claptons, as far as my research goes, with 0.4 core - they are 0.85 ohm. Im not a sucker for ultimate builds, and also I prefer lower wattage, so I wasnt sure for which one I should go for
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