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Premium E liquid at half price


May 5, 2016
Sort of it works out at £8 for 30ml

For the last few month I have been getting the bulk of my juice from a company called premium labs www.premiumlabs.ca

They are based in Canada and have quite a few ranges including Dr fogs famous ice cream (reviewed on here recently) Blind Pig, worlds best custards to name a few, they retail over here (uk) for £16 for 30ml

The trick is you have to get 250ml bottles costing $125 Canadian dollars, depending on the exchange rate it is circa £68 to £71 which equates to circa £8.20 for 30ml

Shipping is free and deliveries have never taken more than 7 days to date, make an account and use code convicted for a one time 10% off, on the comments in the order instructions you can ask for free samples of any of their ranges they throw in up to 3 free 5ml bottles

their juices are absolutely phenomenal, I have tried most, my favourites and recommendations are -
1, blind pig - real McCoy ADV
2. Blind pig - obrien
3. Dr fogs ice cream - All of them! Sirius first
3. Distinct - cappachino ice cream

I am in no way affiliated with premium labs but thought this is worth sharing with the community
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