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Priming coils.


May 16, 2015
I've been trying to get this done for a while, but, hands that do muppetry ! lol this may be another one @junglist (When you've time ! :)) might be worth a 'sticky' :)

Manual coil priming.

I think we've all heard the usual instructions for new coils.
Fit coil
Fill tank
Wait 5/10/15 minutes for the juice to fully saturate coil
I think a lot have seen the question, 'I changed my coil, waited 10 minutes, and got a bad taste. Have I burnt my coil ?'

TBH, I always found that a bit too hit n miss ! You go through all that, and HOPE the wick is saturated after waiting up to 15 minutes. (It should be after 15 mins !)
Why not spend 5 minutes priming the coil 'manually' and cut out the guesswork ?
There's a few good reasons why you should. :)
1. You'll be SURE the wick is saturated.
2. You can start vaping as soon as you fill the the tank.
3. You'll save 10 minutes hanging about waiting on osmosis to saturate the wick.

I've used a Zephyrus .5 ohm twin coil, but this will work with any pre made coils I've seen. I have the coil & tank base on a mod to make it a easier to handle.
This is the fresh unprimed .5ohm coil, reading at .62ohm. (DNA200, so bang on acurate)


This will be well known to any rda/rta users. :)

Here's how it's done, and welcome to the world of vapeing with 'hands that do muppetry' lol

It's difficult to see in the vid, you can see the juice soaking into the wick slots, I also fired the coil for a second a couple of times @ 18w, this helps draw the juice into the wick.
Same coil, primed and fitted in the tank.


Now reading .55ohm, this will settle with use to around .49 - .52ohm. Yes, it's a different mod, Mrs TBA needed the VTbox. :) but, DNA200, so bang on. :D

Coil primed, no guess work, no is it/isn't it, just DONE, in under 3 minutes. :)
great post @philTBA

just for that extra bit i always start on lower wattage for the first 5 puffs as ive found some makes of coils take a little longer to bed in.
my usual wattage 50watts so i set it to 25watts. take first draw then turn up 5 watts, next puff turn up 5w etc until im back to 50w
I also take a couple of initial 'cold draws' without firing the mod just to make double sure :)
Also if you're really having trouble with dry hits on coils, use a clean safety pin to disturb the cotton which may be packed too tightly and then follow the method above. I had that issue all the time with kanger SSOCC coils, since I've been doing that problem totally solved.
Spot on Phil. As yappy cat I take a few cold draws first too. With the airflow almost closed.
Never had a problem unless it was a duff coil.
Nice one Phil.

For those of us who started on cartomisers, priming was obligatory so it's always surprised me that people don't do it.

I read of one guy who leaves his coils to soak overnight.
I also take a couple of initial 'cold draws' without firing the mod just to make double sure :)

You can do that, but there's no need to, as you're already sure it's saturated. :D

@ninjazx6 kanger coils where known for that. :) It's never been a issue with zeph coils, in fact, I've never had a duff zeph coil, and any I've used (fuckin loads !) have settled to within .02ohm of the marked resistance. :)
great post @philTBA

just for that extra bit i always start on lower wattage for the first 5 puffs as ive found some makes of coils take a little longer to bed in.
my usual wattage 50watts so i set it to 25watts. take first draw then turn up 5 watts, next puff turn up 5w etc until im back to 50w

I've always found the zeph coils are really stable, they've usually settled within a few draws. I've hit a .5 with 60w straight after priming & filling. Bit of a shock, but a crackin vape, if a bit on the warm side ! lol I've found when they start going off, the resistance starts rising, they can sometimes get a bit leaky at that point too. :)
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