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Review Pugsley's mythologicaly set in stone review of the Geekvape Medusa RDTA


Nov 14, 2016
Some say......her last husband left her because he just couldn't look her in the eye as he was too scared of being taken for granite....

That's it...that's all I've got....one shit dad joke.....I like to start my reviews with at least a witty story, a play on words perhaps....but no, not even so much as a meme......nothing...the world is barren of Greek mythology themed humour....

It would appear that Mythological puns really are my Achilles heal...

I mean whats Demeter with me?.....

I refuse to Apollo-gise for that.....

I was just Troy-ing around with you....

It took me a Minotaur two to think of some....

I'll stop trying to be the Centaur of attention now....

I guess I'd better Kraken with it ......


Deal with it.

Hello again my vape billowing fruit sucking plume monsters, back again with more of the same.

And today's sacrificial lamb comes from yet another of Shenzhen's big hitters Geekvape, A company renowned for supplying us with a myriad of top quality tanks, RDA's and vape accessories such as the Ammit, The Avocado, the Griffin (meh) and the Tsunami (yay).....and now they present to us another corker, a multi purpose top that is somewhere in the middle between an RDA and an RDTA....not the first to try it, The Pharaoh almost got there, but maybe...just maybe...Geekvape are the first to actually get it right......I guess we're about to find out, from my Chinese Chums at Heavengifts ....The Geekvape Medusa RDTA...or RDA...depending on what mood you're in.....just don't look directly into it's eyes...



The Medusa is a 25mm affair with a 3ml juice capacity, a velocity style deck and a few nifty little tricks up it's sleeve.

We'll start with the look of the thing...although you'll have to forgive the quality of the pics, my DSLR decided to pack in and is in the shop so I'm limping along with my phone..... it's a stocky little snake haired bitch at 25mm in diameter and only 38mm high and comes in both black like mine or Stainless, and the body is emblazoned with a 'tribal' snake pattern around the bottom chamber to add cohesion to the Medusa theme and I do love a bit of decoration.


I think they could of gone of bit more on the snake and a little less on the tribal...chaotic...circles though..still... A for effort.

The power play on the Medusa is in fact what it does when you line up the...incredibly hard to see....padlock symbol and arrow around the bottom section...


Confused the shit outta me at first let me tell you....certainly wasn't gonna happen without my specs on....but when you do manage to master it the head comes right off this mythological upstart...



Don't get confused...I'm using the middle ring as a stand on that pic.


The deck looks like your standard kind of RTDA Velocity deck, very large post holes too so you're all good with the chunky twisty mothers, however....there is one little issue you might come across with your build...you'll notice there's a gap around the deck base, well the middle ring locks onto the base and has a lip that bridges the gap to stop your liquid from pissing out of the juice well, and seeing as you have to place this ring section over your coils to lock it in place it narrows your build area quite considerably, I managed 3mm ID coils but the ring did scrape over the coils when putting it back on so keep your legs snug to the post's.....like....I didn't (dick).....something to consider anyway, The build deck itself however is very easy to build on as you would expect and I love the blue anodized hex grub screws especially when you bring out the colour of your coils to match.



Once you fill the well with your finest you can lock the middle ring back in place.


And there you have it, for all intents and purposes a normal RDA just with a 3ml tank hidden underneath (minus wick space) and the third section which is just a top cap can be popped off at anytime should you just want to drip as you go.....time to see the snakes on this fiery tempered witch by shoving some serious wattage up her 'wrong n'



The top cap, along with the rest of the Medusa, is incredibly well engineered, domed on the inside giving excellent vapour concentration flow and flavour......


And to describe that flavour....I am literally going to (ahem) turn to stone....


I'm not even sorry.

The air flow is dealt with by adjustable side vents on both sides, nothing weird there then, fully open this thing can throw some serious fluffy's but for me I found half way was a good balance and really brought out the way above average flavour this thing is capable of producing.

There is one thing however that I wasn't overly keen on with the Medusa......she's a bit of a hot head...


I've lived with worse....but still, the top of the Medusa causes me a couple of issues, firstly, the Ultem drip tip, as nice as it looks is wayy too short to be comfortable, for me anyway, some people might dig that but I'm not one of them, and it's due to the shortness of this drip tip that the second issue showed it's ugly head. As I was trying to take a picture of a bit of vapour creeping out of the drip tip I fired it a few times without sucking on it, obviously I was well aware that this makes the chamber hotter than it would normally be due to no air being pulled through it....but I didn't think at the time....and when I was done I just picked it up as normal to take a blast...turns out the Ultem drip tip doesn't quite meet the edges leaving a ring of the metal chamber exposed....so as soon as I introduced it to my kissers....


Lesson learned...the Medusa can get hot if you cane it anyway so the same thing can happen.

The drip tip isn't a complete dead loss however, as it happens....I'm presuming purposefully.....it fits your average 510 drip tip right in there, which is exactly what I did...while my blistered lips healed.


SO...something that has a similar effect on me as looking straight into Medusa's eyes.....the specs...

Dimensions: 1-7/16" x 15/16" (Including Drip Tip and Threads)
RDTA and RDA Drip Refill System
Simplified Inner Structure
Compact Design for Increased Flavor
Medusa Logo
25mm Diameter
510 Threaded
Gold Plated Contact Pin
3.0ml Deep Juice Well
Ability to Refill or Drip
Dual Post Velocity Style Build Deck
Adjustable Side Airflow Control Ring for Optimal Flavor and Vapor Production
ULTEM Wide-bore Drip Tip
510 Drip Tip Compatible
Quad Airflow Slots
PEEK Insulator
SS316L Set Screws


My final thoughts on the Geekvape Medusa RDTA would be that it is....in my opinion...without doubt one of the best RDTA's out there at the moment for flavour, I'm not 100% crazy on the look....especially in black...but that's just personal opinion, the very flat top doesn't really do it for me and the drip tip is best used with another 510 drip tip in there....which...unfortunately for me makes it look even slightly more weird but.....as far as functionality goes it is right up there, the ease of using it just as an RDA is great although if you over drip the liquid can come through the air vents if it you tip it too much but refilling the bottom juice well is very easy once you master unlocking the middle section.

Geekvape created a great RDTA with the Medusa and if you like the look of it you will absolutely love the way it vapes, and if they bring out a V2 with a couple of small improvements I will definitely be at the front of the queue for one, and for a price point of around £20 it's also a bit of a bargain for such a well engineered product.

You can find them currently on sale here....

Geekvape Medusa RDTA Black

Geekvape Medusa RDTA Stainless Steel

Use code APUGS15 for 15% Discount

But for now I am going to continue sucking on this ice cube until my lips become a normal size again....


If you haven't already then don't forget to enter the $100 dollar giveaway I have going on Steampugs at the moment, plenty of entries but you gotta be in it to win it!...here's a link to the page with details on how to enter..

Steampugs Celebratory $100 Giveaway

And while you're browsing around also feel free to pop into the Steampugs Link Shop where you will find a fair few tasty bargains and the odd discount code to wet your shiny syndrome appetite

Until next time.

Yours eternally vapeful

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