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Questions about LRider Lambo!


Dec 8, 2012
Hey folks, shooting my first question on the board!

I've recently purchased a Lrider Lambo VV battery mod, I assume it's the chrome version of Lavatube. Before this I was using an Ego C kit and I wanted to taste my juices in different voltages! But I have some problems with the device.

I'm trying 3 types of atomizers with this and here is the Ohm readings.

1) Default Ego-C Atomizer which comes with Ego-C kits. (Can't read the Ohms)
2) Joye Ego Mega XL Type A Cartomizer. (reads at 2.5 Ohms)
3) Boge 510e Clearomizer. (reads at 2.9 Ohms)

No matter which one use, I can't go more then 3.6v's on this device. When I try 3.7 v's or more it shut itself down. As a battery, I'm using Rapidfire 18650 - 3000mAh 3.7v li-ion rechargeable. The battery is a few mm's longer than the lower mAh editions but nevertheless it's full and the Lambo transfers up to 6.0v's without a problem when there's no atomizers.

Any ideas why this is happening and how can I fix it?

My original lavatube wouldnt fire above 4v if i used regular batteries that were not high drain and rated for i think its 4.7 or 5.8amps...
Torchy the Battery Boy is trusted.
Check this page of his blog http://www.torchythebatteryboy.com/p/dangers-of-ultrafire-18650-batteries.html

I'm not saying this is the problem but it could be that the bats are not as advertised and just not man enough for the job.

Most 18650s on this page should do the job (though bats vary in size) EDIT TO ADD LINK (see post 12) http://www.stealthvape.co.uk/ecig-batteries-chargers/batteries .
A discount code is available here http://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/discount-codes (other vendors from that link will have suitable batteries).
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Btw I didn't buy them from the link I sent, I got them from the most popular E-Cig shop in Russia for around 10$. Of course it could be the case that they are counterfeits. The reason that they don't do the job might be this as you say.
Anyhow, it's quite hard to get anything shipped here from EU or UK so I'll just try to find the one's on that list around here.
It's the protection circuit tripping from trying to pull more amps out of them than they are deigned to give. They probably have a 1.5apcb and you're at about 1.5a at 3.7v with a 2.5ohm atty.

Lucky the pcb is there too tbh if you think about it as you would be working those cells way too hard ultimately causing one of them to fail... Kapow, fizz, boom

It's not much for a decent set of IMR's these days, efests are cheap and plentiful and should be available in Russia.
I didn't really know the risks involved caused by draining more amps then the battery's limit. I think there is no information about the amps the battery can provide on the product page, how can I calculate this data when I'm surfing through batteries?
As an example, on Torchy's website I saw a battery which is on a good place on his chart- Sanyo 2600mAh- and I know this one is really easy to get here. Do you think this one would be safe?
There should be a max discharge current rating in the product specs either in mA or as a C rating. If it's 2C it's 2 x the mAh capacity of the battery so a 2000mAh battery rated at 2C would have a max discharge rate of 4000mA or 4A

Make sense? :)
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