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Aug 12, 2013
Just heard a very short piece on ecigs on heart radio. The report quotes "ecigs can be as effective as conventional nrt, but longer tests are needed" does this bode well at all for us?
Three years testing for me though I knew they were effective after a couple of days ;)
Three years testing for me though I knew they were effective after a couple of days ;)

Yes, after 30 off years of smoking 40 a day, and to find my smokers cough and wheezing dissapear within a week of vaping, that was good enough for me
I think the very fact that so many places are talking about ecigs is a good thing. A year ago the only talk you'd here about them was that of them being a joke or a novelty item, now there is genuine debate and it seems to be going more out way all the time. Now lets hope that the people in charge of stuff are actually listening to the people they represent and not to the companies that line their pockets.
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