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RBA muted taste ?


Mar 9, 2016
I hope someone can help me. I have a subtank mini with a rba base.

I have installed a 0.5ohm coil.

My main problem is whatever I do I get weak taste of my home made liquids. I can Taste a little but not good enough.

The vapor production is really good. It runs at 20-25w. But the Taste is not satisfied. I tried with less cotton and more cotton. Nothing helps.

A friend of mine told me that since you are sub ohming you will get less flavor/ or less taste. Is that right ?
Some MTL fans will insist that's the best way for taste but you can get taste "sub-ohming".
Anyway, presume you've used this DIY juice in something else so you know for sure the taste is muted?
I'm not going to make suggestions about how best to use that tank because I've never used it.
What would help us is details of the coil and details of wicking. So elaborate, coil material, size, wraps and what wick material.
25W seems low to me but as I said, I don't know your device.
Is the coil installed 'up' from the legs?
I find the closer the coil to the top of the chamber the better.
2.5mm ID gives best balance for airflow & flavour IMO.
Some MTL fans will insist that's the best way for taste but you can get taste "sub-ohming".
Anyway, presume you've used this DIY juice in something else so you know for sure the taste is muted?
I'm not going to make suggestions about how best to use that tank because I've never used it.
What would help us is details of the coil and details of wicking. So elaborate, coil material, size, wraps and what wick material.
25W seems low to me but as I said, I don't know your device.

I don't know about the coil size. But it's the prewicked coils came with the tank. It's kanthal 0.5.

If I go above 20w it making dry hits and sometimes burns.

My juice is 80%VG. The rba base is the newer one with big holes.
80% VG may be too high for STM.
I DIY 50/50, maybe that is why I get on with them & flavour Ok?
My diy is close to 85/15,use in the subtank mini when at work with no probs upto about 22watts,imo unless your wicking is spot on the rba will struggle to keep up with wicking on higher than 80/20 for longer than 5 seconds at 25 watts, all i can suggest is taking a shorter pull or drop the wattage a bit...not sure when you last cleaned your afc ring out either,a drop or 2 that has leaked into there will mute flavour significantly.
Good Luck
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