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[RedJuice] Kings Crown By Pip The Bunny (Suicide Bunny)


Apr 23, 2014

We have one more Premium E-Juice to add to the juice bar this week - No more I promise! Well not for a few weeks anyway, Then we have a huge UK juice maker joining the ranks... but i'll keep you guessing on that one

A warm welcome to Kings Crown by Pip the Bunny (Suicide Bunny)


Bound By The Crown By Kings Crown
As described by the makers is a twist on traditional fruit flavours with a perfect balance of sweet custard, spice, and ripened stone fruits, Bound by The Crown combines fruit & dessert flavours superbly and is fast becoming a very popular all day vape across the pond. Producing huge clouds of vapour and outstanding flavour, it won’t be long until you’re bound by the crown too, The mix is 30% VG / 70% PG

Fight Your Fate By Kings Crown
There’s an old saying which says ‘if fate hands you lemons, make lemonade’. But when fate handed Kings Crown lemons they chopped off fate’s hands and told him not to come back without a bag of strawberries. The lemons and the strawberries were then combined to create this extraordinarily refreshing all day vape, a zingy strawberry lemonade with a fantastic vapour production, The mix is 30% VG / 70% PG

Claim Your Throne By Kings Crown
Is one for the sweet toothed, a perfect blend of sweet creams, butterscotch and brown sugar. If you are a fan of a sweet, rich butterscotch then you will absolutely love this juice. Like a Werther’s Original turned up to 11 with delicious undertones of cream and the distinctive hit of brown sugar, this e-liquid is veritable hug in a bottle, The mix is 30% VG / 70% PG

The King By Kings Crown
If awesome was a flavour then this is what it would taste like. The King is an innovative and complex e-liquid with several different layers which combine to produce an e-liquid of immense flavour proportions! The makers aren't saying what the flavour profile is, but we can tell you that, to us at least, it tastes like a peanut butter sugar cookie with a creamy hint of….. we’ll let you guess the last part, The mix is 30% VG / 70% PG

Quite excited to taste these - saw a couple of reviews (and a pic of the creator - she's nice! lol) so ordered a couple of these from you earlier today

Next week cant come quick enough! :)
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