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Review of the EGo-T Starter Kit


Aug 9, 2012
This is a personal review of a product I bought from www.ecigwizard.com. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of this website, planetofthevapes.co.uk"

As promised a review of this starter kit from www.ecigwizard.com


Reuploaded as audio was out of sync!!!
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Very good review Gareth. I do like your enthusiasm. The 'T' systems have been around a while now and at the time they came out were quite revolutionary in my opinion. I used these after cartridges (early 2011) and thought they were wonderful ( we are going back a bit now lol) A few leaking issues.The 'bung' on the tank can work loose with use for example. The phenomenon became known as 'tank dump' as quite unexpectedly one could finds one shirt pocket full of eliquid. Flavour can be a little muted too (compared to direct dripping) but overall not a bad system.

Your point about vendors adding some variety to the starter packs is a good one and addressed by at least one vendor, Safercigs with their bundle packs
http://www.safercigs.co.uk/900_mAh_mixnmatch_pack/p705283_6093983.aspx which I think are great value for money and give the purchaser a variety of systems to tryout.

Thanks for the review!
Also I think I have worked out the sync issues with the sound, I will have to use the camera in 4:3 ratio not the 16:9 as I think the encoding by the camera can not keep the video and audio in sync so its back to the square size for now.

Perhaps Santa may get me a nice video camera this xmas...
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