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Review Review of the MVP V2 By Danfoshizzle

I just received a kit today & i have some points to add...

So the kit i got had the iclear 30 tank & the adjustable angle tip. Straight off i had a good look at that part & decided it was bin material. The clear tank part feels cheap, brittle & light. The chrome ends ,well they feel so light that they might crack. The mouth tip is a bit big & clumsy too so for the ICLEAR 30 tank i give a zero & i'm not going to risk wasting any liquid in it.

I bought this solely for the VV battery & because the reviews i had read were all quit stonking & it looks so solid i thought it made sense.
There is a blatant problem though which danfoshizzle pointed out at the end of his review here. The contact pin does seem to sit quite far down in the connector but on further inspection i think it's the connector wall that sits too high. The iclear tank has got a longer thread stem than my other tanks.
What this means to me is that despite the fact that the mvp has 510 & ego threads, it's fussy about what i can put on it !
Straight out of the box it will take my protank 2 mini on the ego thread with no issue. It will take 1 evod tank but not another & it won't take my protank 2.

What this suggests to me is that itaste just want us to buy their tanks really. I don't see why an end user shoud have to modify a brand new product to make it universal when it claims to be already. If i go poking around with it to alter it in any way, the warranty is void straight away.

It looks to me like the answer is to grind about 1/2mm off the top of the connector post & re grind the air channels & then everything would fit. Sure , i can do that but it doesn't please me that it needs it as a brand new unit & i know it's not just mine too, it's all of 'em.

Anyway, i didn't buy it for the phone charger part etc so that bit doesn't concern me & there is a good point i will add...

I like the solid feel. I like the VV & VW etc display. It's a mostly tidy unit & when i found a combination that worked it vaped like a nutter & the flavour & throat hit were awesome. The vape is also warmer than my mech mod which i find desirable especially as i'm using a bottom coiled atty. I did have to put a 510 thread converter on one of my evod tanks though to get that connection which is just stupid imo.

This cost me the better part of £40. I think i will have to modify it to make it convenient. The accessories in the box don't interest me but i suspect that the battery life & performance will be excellent.

There, i think i've expressed my opinion. Does anyone know a good fix for the contact pin before i start grinding ?
vaporsizer put a small flat blade screwdriver down the side if the pin and flick it up, then do the same to the opposite side. so your lifting it slightly bit by bit?
@vaporsizer put a small flat blade screwdriver down the side if the pin and flick it up, then do the same to the opposite side. so your lifting it slightly bit by bit?

Thanks Reevo. I might try that, seen it demoed before on other batteries but before i go poking around i have put a question in the new users question section. Maybe there's more ways around it like.
Thanks Reevo. I might try that, seen it demoed before on other batteries but before i go poking around i have put a question in the new users question section. Maybe there's more ways around it like.

Ive had to do it a few times when Ive changed attys on it. Good luck, try everything else before you start grinding anything!
That pin comes out a fair bit, an easier fix is replacing the stock oring for a slightly fatter one, just as I have done, it makes contact withecery device I have tried to date with the fatter oring :)
That pin comes out a fair bit, an easier fix is replacing the stock oring for a slightly fatter one, just as I have done, it makes contact withecery device I have tried to date with the fatter oring :)

I'm wondering if it might be worth changing the whole connector, i havn't taken one of these devices apart before but it's plain to see the end caps unscrew. I bet there's just a threaded nut on the underside of the existing connector. That to me would be a tidy finish, i'm handy enough with a soldering iron.

I'll try getting the tweezers out first. Thanks you guys.
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