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Review of the Vape4me drip body


Staff member
Jul 11, 2012
First the boring bit. This is a personal review, just my personal opinion and not the views of planet of the vapes and totally independent :)
right, formalities out of the way, on with the review! I put up a thread last week asking for opinions on the vape4me drip body and the classic dca. Now the dca was the clear winner but the ever lovely Mark said he had a vape4me knocking about in his vape stash going unused as he prefered the dca, would I like to try it? Well it arrived today (don't you just love vape mail!!!). It came ready assembled but being a typical vaper I instantly set to stripping it down and rebuilding it. I followed the PDF instruction manual and was surprised that it wasn't too bad, but I'm guessing the fact that mark had already done it made the job easier as the rubber bits were flexible enough to work with. I'm glad I did it again though as the instructions say to build some of it on the mod so the contact to the battery is in the perfect place. So far so good, screwed my 306 in, whacked on the top piece and had a vape and it was a really tight drawer. There was also not much vapour coming off it so I was going to pack it back up and send it straight back. Luckily something made me have another check with my friend google. I watched a few YouTube vids and tight draw and lack of vapour seemed to be the general rule :( all of them had the 306 screwed down as far as it would go, which was what I did too. Then I had one final look at the instructions and read that the atty only needed to go tight enough so the air holes on the atty line up with the drip channel.

So I loosened it up and was sure it was too loose to fire, but no, it burst into life. Back on with the top, screwed down till the middle was tight to the top of the 306. This was more like it, the draw was much better, enough resistance to know I was taking a puff, without feeling like my cheeks were getting a good work out. Vapour production was vastly improved and the flavour is as you'd expect from a 306, maybe slightly less than with just a drip tip but not really enough to worry about. The best thing for me is that it is now quite a cool vape, I find usually 306s are a little fierce in the heat department. There are no leaks and any over filled juice is just channeled away. I've been using it for about 5 hours now and it doesn't leak. The quality of the threading seems really good and I like the overall build quality. It has turned dripping into a hassle free experience.

these can be bought from alba vapours for around £28 (plus p&p). I wouldn't say it's an essential piece of equipment but it is certainly a nice extra to my vape kit box. Many thanks to the lovely Mark for being wonderful :)
I knew I'd forget something. I tried it with a few different drip tips as it takes standard 510 drip tips. All fitted fine from the cheap standard plastic ones to my beloved cherry vapes Ming.
Really glad you like it Purplefowler. For me it reduced the warmth of the 306 too much but as with all Vaping gear it's often horses for courses. Not that I'm calling you a horse. Neigh. :)
Its certainly a quality piece of kit. Well made. Good threads and built to last. And now in the hands of someone who will give it the love it deserves. And I get a fresh sample of your juices in exchange. What's not to like? ;)
Really glad you like it @Purplefowler. For me it reduced the warmth of the 306 too much but as with all Vaping gear it's often horses for courses. Not that I'm calling you a horse. Neigh. :)
Its certainly a quality piece of kit. Well made. Good threads and built to last. And now in the hands of someone who will give it the love it deserves. And I get a fresh sample of your juices in exchange. What's not to like? ;)
This is for you and @zt, I've got some new bottles on the way so as soon as they arrive ill get mixing :)
That review is awesome PF, but what is even more awesome is the angel delight packet in the background, I remember those packets vividly :)
That review is awesome PF, but what is even more awesome is the angel delight packet in the background, I remember those packets vividly :)
Lol! When my granny passed away 9 years ago I found a load of cool stuff in her cupboard (ok my idea of cool might be slightly different to most people's!). As well as these I found a pot noodle from 1983 and some jif lemon, raspberry, strawberry, blackberry and chocolate all in the fruit shaped bottles! It's also where my 1960s box of tampax came from :D
Lol! When my granny passed away 9 years ago I found a load of cool stuff in her cupboard (ok my idea of cool might be slightly different to most people's!). As well as these I found a pot noodle from 1983 and some jif lemon, raspberry, strawberry, blackberry and chocolate all in the fruit shaped bottles! It's also where my 1960s box of tampax came from :D

53 year old pack of tampax!! Although the 60's was a great period
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