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Rewick recurve


Jul 17, 2018
Having problem lately, I install new coil, roll cotton bacon and insert through, make sure it slides back and forth, but then after a while I get a dry hit, and when I check, the cotton has come apart in the middle of the coil, so I then rewick again
Any help greatly appreciated
Basically it is burning the wick due to not enough juice getting through the wick for and It could be a combination of a few things, too much power, undersquonking/dripping, wick length too short, wick rolled too tight.

The Recurve RDA is ideal for Temp Control which will eliminate the burning, if the wicking is too tight you will still get a cooler vape so it highlights this.
I've been using the recurve every day since it came out and don't think I've ever had a dry hit.
I do however, squonk every 3 hits and only run it at 45 watts.
Check you haven't got a hot spot in the middle of the coil and the wick tails are long enough to "buckle" slightly when touching the base of the juice well.
I've been using the recurve the past few weeks on a semi mech squonker with the provided 0.25 coil. It needs a squonk every two to three pulls as it's sucks the juice dry verrrrry quickly, so is definately recommended to squonk rather than drip. I did get a few dry hits at first because I didn't realise it was such a guzzler, and also the juice well is shallow. Great rda though, just keep an eye on the cotton not getting dry, or if your not allready, get a squonk mod :)
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