I've searched a lot to no avail..
I've read that (some may not like the idea) TotallyWicked Blackcurrent is the best and is used in a quite popular Blackcurrent juice so I may try that next.
I love Ribena, help please
Have you tired Ribena Man s juices .. if you are after blackcurrant ribbon type fings .. they are excellent
not a concentrate tho
And expensive
I've not tried it yet. I got a little fed up of buying hyped juiced only to be disappointed with it nearly every time so I much prefer to make my own these says.. Although your juices are on my 'must try' list, along with a few of colonel Booms juices I haven't tried yet.
I've tried a few blackcurrant concentrates, Capella, TFA and FlavourArt. FlavourArt is my favourite of the three but it's not great.
I've not tried it yet. I got a little fed up of buying hyped juiced only to be disappointed with it nearly every time so I much prefer to make my own these says.. Although your juices are on my 'must try' list, along with a few of colonel Booms juices I haven't tried yet.
I've tried a few blackcurrant concentrates, Capella, TFA and FlavourArt. FlavourArt is my favourite of the three but it's not great.
Though I get your point .. problem with juice hype is that any juice is down to individual tastes .. simple as ... can be the next best thing .. if you don't like it .. you aint gonna like it .. simples!
I think for me what shows a quality juice (and you can tell - even on flavours you don't like) is the strength of flavour, mouth feel, harshness etc. even if you don't like something you can go .. "well its not to my taste - i can tell its a well crafted juice, even if the flavour isn't for me"
I've been spending a lot of time trying to find mouth feel lately.. Adding vape Wizard, bitter Wizard, sour, smooth, lemon juice.. Etc etc and found a little sour helps with fruits but the main thing that gave me it was a lot of flavour, flavours that are 'hiding' but add to the overall mix. Adding a tiny bit of pineapple to berries for instance, I can't taste it but it's certainly added to the overall flavour.
Not really ... £6.00 posted .. no more expensive than any other bespoke juice really