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Safe batteries for subohm vaping

nikki from mars

Jun 26, 2013
Hi there all. Well am just a little bit confused when it comes to ohms law and the maths behind it. I won't generally be subohms but may have an occasional go at drippers and my thoughts are that I want some good batteries that will be safe whatever I throw at them and some easy advice for how to be sure of that and also please some links to where to find said safe batteries as looking at various advice and googling for said batteries is making me think my head will implode rather sooner than I find what I need... just a bit of background before anyone tells me off for even thinking about going low ohms... I mostly vape around 1.2ohm to 1.5ohms with some tanks around the 2 and above mark... however I am now the proud owner of a decent dripper and planning on making my own juice, it would be nice for at home to be able to get a bit more cloudy... but I can't entirely get my head around the maths side of working out what is or isn't safe... so although am not going super sub ohms I want a battery safe enough to handle very low builds as I would rather be over cautious about it... so no reccomendations for batteries that might not handle it...even if it's unlikely I will ever use the extra capabilities of the batteries. I currently have mods in 14500.. 18350 18500 and 18650 sizes... am guessing that only 18650 are likely to be up for the job. .. but if other battery sizes are then may also invest in some of those... more as insurance against screwing the wrong build on and causing problems though at present am thinking will stick to 1 atty that goes lower and keeping that as my only low build... but as we all know, the way we vape can change and would welcome the opportunity to future proof against this...
Hi there all. Well am just a little bit confused when it comes to ohms law and the maths behind it. I won't generally be subohms but may have an occasional go at drippers and my thoughts are that I want some good batteries that will be safe whatever I throw at them and some easy advice for how to be sure of that and also please some links to where to find said safe batteries as looking at various advice and googling for said batteries is making me think my head will implode rather sooner than I find what I need... just a bit of background before anyone tells me off for even thinking about going low ohms... I mostly vape around 1.2ohm to 1.5ohms with some tanks around the 2 and above mark... however I am now the proud owner of a decent dripper and planning on making my own juice, it would be nice for at home to be able to get a bit more cloudy... but I can't entirely get my head around the maths side of working out what is or isn't safe... so although am not going super sub ohms I want a battery safe enough to handle very low builds as I would rather be over cautious about it... so no reccomendations for batteries that might not handle it...even if it's unlikely I will ever use the extra capabilities of the batteries. I currently have mods in 14500.. 18350 18500 and 18650 sizes... am guessing that only 18650 are likely to be up for the job. .. but if other battery sizes are then may also invest in some of those... more as insurance against screwing the wrong build on and causing problems though at present am thinking will stick to 1 atty that goes lower and keeping that as my only low build... but as we all know, the way we vape can change and would welcome the opportunity to future proof against this...

Hi Nikki,

I am by no means an expert or a cloud chaser, but I have used the Steam Engine Calculator which has a lot of information. Battery drain | Steam Engine | free vaping calculators

if you select the 'Battery Drain' option - you can set your coil resistance and select a number of different common batteries from a pull down list. The results (Battery Drain and Amp Limit) are displayed on the right hand side.

As well as showing you the amps being drawn for your chosen battery & Resistance combo, you can also find out the batteries advertised Amp limit and crucially the ' Amp Limit headroom' - basically the larger the percentage the better - means you have a level of safety.

Now all this assumes that you have the correct batteries and not fake ones - for that I am sure other will be in a better position to advise. I have normally take the advise of the likes of gords1001 (and others) and ordered from respected vendors (e.g. Ecolux on eBay, myepack and Torchy - these are the only guys I have bought batteries to date)

For a good all round 18650 - it seems the Samsung 25R's get good reviews. I have 2 and must say they perform just as well, if nt better than my Sony VTC5 or my Purple eFest

you didn't state in your OP, but are you thinking of a Mech mod or Regulated? (BTW 0 the Steam Engine, also allows you to select some Regulated mods in the pulldown - though I think its is a little outdated and doesn't include some of the more recent additions to the vaping world

manic_asif currently only have mechs... but am possibly making a decision to buy some new shiny which may mean regulated. .. not sure though. .. will just give Chegs and gords1001 a shout out for simple advice as well... thanks for the reminder...
No good poking me nikki,I've ceased hunting 18xxx type cells (or 26xxx) as they aren't able to reliably provide my needs. I only ever use stacked lipo cells now, and this means I'd to buy a new charger but the benefits out way any disadvantages. The lipo packs will provide me with safe outputs over 100 amps, or as many hours/days of vaping as I'm ever going to require.

All my lipo cells come from Radio Control Planes, Helicopters, Cars, Boats, FPV and Quadcopters - Hobbyking  as they are cheap. I doubt you will want to be building your own mods, but I can recommend you do. There is immense satisfaction vaping clouds on devices you've built yourself.
If you feel it's beyond your skills to DIY a mod, I could put one together for you and either post (Grrrrrrr, bastards probably lose it )or deliver it at a future vapemeet(depending on 2 things how soon it's required and when the next meet is)
For mechs

When you decide upon you battery make sure you know what the continuous amp rating is for it.

Feed that number into the box marked 'current _______ amps' on this calculator TheEcigStop.com - Your quest for the best e-cig ends here! - OHM, AND JOULES LAW CALCULATOR In the box marked 'voltage ________ volts' enter the figure 4.2

press calculate

look at the figure produced in the box marked 'resistance _________ ohms'

Never build a coil lower than that, in fact allow a small margin of error to take into account your ohms meter might be shit.
If you try it with 30amps and 4.2volts you will understand why I never build a coil lower than 0.15ohms
Ive not much more to add. Get samsung inr18650 25r or 20r cells. Both blow the sonys and efests out of the water for performance so its not worth wasting your money on anything else.

Forget hitting 30amps on a single cell with a mech. Its never going to happen (well unless you coil to about .06ohm or lower which is asking for trouble). Stay above .16 ohm and for preference around the .2 - .3 ohm mark for the best mix of cloud vs cell abuse.

I'm using a 12v lipo box mod now, I'm just that disillusioned with round cell performance. I still use mechs but they are in the past as far as ultimate cloud machines are concerned.
Chegs ... unlikely that I will be doing any diy building at present. .. I can wire a plug and use a soldering iron just about although don't currently own one... and though with a good guide with all the parts clearly marked it seems simple enough to do the wiring, I haven't done anything electronic wise since I was a kid and got kits to make simple circuit boards for radios and led lights etc... was a very long time ago and you couldn't blow yourself up with any of them really even if you got it wrong. .. how much would it cost if you made me one?
You purchase the parts, get them delivered here and I put it together, adding a tenner for my time/electricity/courier charges to send to you?
Big Kev manic_asif gords1001 Chegs and Diche many thanks for the advice and information. .. I doubt I will be building anything lower than 0.2 as a minimum but want to build in a larger safety margin than normal as don't want something that could literally blow up in my face... will look into the better battery reccomendations from here and see what is available. ..
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