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Review Seven30 Ordinary Bloke's Review


May 27, 2014
Nothing technical - I can't measure current etc.

If you don't suffer from wrist weakness, get one.

It's huge, looks and feels incredible. The 26650 battery lasts forever. With a spare battery, it would comfortably see anybody through Glastonbury.

The menu is a bit of a pain, you tilt it left and right to adjust the wattage, turn it off etc. I can see major problems if this mechanism were to fail after the guarantee period, but it keeps the number of buttons down to one.

At 30w with a dripper, it produces clouds comparable to my (admittedly pretty crappy) Maraxus mech.

I've never understood the "It's too big" mentality which makes a lot of people use Ego's which they keep tucked away inside their jackets and puff discreetly while no-one's looking, so I get this out at bus stops or anywhere else I can vape and I get some strange looks and occasional comments.

Above all, it's a thing of beauty and has temporarily cured my shinyitus.
As a seVen-20 user I have to agree that it does draw attention. Definitely not stealth. More the nuclear option.

as to the menu control. Can't see why it is any more dodgy than any other chip controlled design. Only time will tell. But in theory, if it's a solely electronic sensor it may actually outlast mechanical button selection. Who knows.

Awesome me with an appropriate sized atty up top. The Apollo rocket look doesn't suit me so have a kanger giant up top. Perfect fit and look for me
as to the menu control. Can't see why it is any more dodgy than any other chip controlled design. Only time will tell. But in theory, if it's a solely electronic sensor it may actually outlast mechanical button selection. Who knows.

You're probably right - I was thinking the chip would need replacing, but thinking about it, this could actualy be easier than replacing a switch, and we'll probably have moved onto something new by then anyway.
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