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Sheffield meet... who was there?

nikki from mars

Jun 26, 2013
Am posting this as jediknight129 can't get on forum at present and thinks that has picked up a mod belonging to Jeff who was there possibly. .. thread on meet not showing up. .. I know Nanook and JustDave were there too but no one else that was.... can someone let me know so I can pass info along?
@knome yes sorry is me being daft... have found it now...

Spookily, I did the same thing last week - looked in Midlands for Sheffield and couldn't find it.

I hope to make it to a meet one of these days. I work a horrible shift pattern.
Found the thread. .. it is thought that it was Jeff whose mod it was so have tagged him in that thread too... if tags are working. ..should hear soon
They work if you don't leave a space between the @ and the name
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