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Sigelei Moonshot Nano 22 Issue


Jun 27, 2016
Hi all
I am a newbie to both vaping and building and looking for some help please.
I have a Sigelei Moonshot Nano 22 for use with my Laisimo L3 200w TC mod. The Moonshot is suggested by Laisimo.

I build as usual, test, wick then juice up. Wait 5 mins for the juice to settle down then top up from the top as it is a top filling unit.

After 3 or 4 puffs, i notice it is leaking from the bottom looks like from the air holes. I have checked and replaced the seal but still have the same issue.

Any ideas please.
Tony (Rotherham)
It's definitely a wicking problem - go to the how to pages you'll find a wicking guide I did on there
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