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Review Sigelei MT


Jul 14, 2013
Once again, www.elegomall.com got this to me via dhl direct from HK in 2 days from order, with tracking to my door.....

Now I have a little bit of a love/hate thing going on with sigelei, on the one hand, they produced one of my most long serving mods....the sig150 was and still continues to be a bit of a beast. The chipset in it is amazingly good, and it's been a robust and well loved mod. It's never let me down and although not a daily user, I still find myself reaching for it on the odd occasion.

The problem has been what they've produced in between the 150 and this....it's been poor. The 213 & the little sig75 was truly awful. The 75 would drain batteries quicker then a mech, and the 213 would forever limit what watts you could have. Want 120? Fuck you , your mod would offer you 80w, if not then you would get a low battery warning ⚠️

I'd seen a few reviews of this before I commited., and thought fuck it, for $45 it was worth a punt.

I've used this pretty much since I've gotten it, and it's been dropped a few times, and has been worked to fuck. The chipset isn't at all shit and hasn't tried to wind the watts down at all.

Now, the looks of this mod alone is going to divide opinion. I for one can take it or leave it :) but for some it is fosho gonna be a decider. Do you wanna be using a mod that has a passing resemblence to a transformer? That lights up like a 1980's disco that @junglist frequents?

Thankfully you can switch the lights off easily enough. In fact, the menu system on this is well thought out, 3 clicks and your into the menu for the gaudy disco lights that Hedley likes so much. The '3' clicks also gets you into all the different wire or coils you would ever care or want. Every thing from a normal 'power' mode through to ss and unabtanium, and everything else in between. If your into your temp control vaping then you have this covered.

So, with every type of wire covered, and the afore mentioned lights, and ease of use, we have most things covered. It's easy to use, it actually performs very well, the chip in it is good, battery life is on par with other dual 18650 mods out there. The 510 is solid, the buttons have a nice click, and the display is good. Even the ohms reading is bang on. So what's not to like?

Well, we need to talk about how this actually looks....and we need to talk about it now.....

With the utmost respect to anyone who might actually want there child to suddenly come home looking like a goth, looks do matter. Now I have nothing against goths, I have friends that are goths, I like the music, but I wouldn't want my son to suddenly come home wearing a long coat and black lipstick. And that's exactly what's wrong with the look of this mod. When I was out and about with it I found myself trying to be as stealthy as I could with it. Even with the lights off, the branding of the mod really wasn't "me"

Now that's not to say that my "me" isn't your "me" The mod is solid, well put together, and it works exceptionally well. But compare it to the sig150....that is a mod that is functional and it's look is exactly what it is....this on the other hand looks like it belongs in the hand of someone 20 years younger then me :(

And to me, that is a shame because I think that this is a mod that if it wasn't for its looks would be a winner.
Nice review buddy. Have to agree with you that is not a mod I would buy purely because of the looks. Each to their own, I guess
Great review. I like the look of this mod (when it isn't doing it's Jean Michele Ja light show). I may consider it in the future.
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