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Review Sigelei zmax v5


New Member
Aug 5, 2013
First time i have ever done anything like this so please bear with me. i have been a vaper since Oct 12 (average smoker of 20 day 40 at the weekends) started of with a V3i kit from Jac vapour then moved to a innokin itaste vv then to a Vamo v2 with a Protank 2. having dropped my Vamo several times one of the buttons finally gave up, so the search started once again, this lead me to the Sigelei zmax V5.

Having read lots of reviews between the evic, vamo, provari and the Sigelei i settled on the Zmax v5 (provari will happen once i have enough spare cash lol) i ordered the Zmax v5 from Health cabin worked out at £32.99, uk suppliers were asking £49.99 + and i needed other bits and pieces so made sense to get it all from one place (use DHL shipping normally 3 -5 days to the UK) anyway back to my review.

I bought this Sigelei Zmax v5 this review is my personal thoughts and hopefully helpful to others.

The Sigelei vmax v5 arrived came in a sealed box along with an adapter to allow you to charge your mobile phone (not sure if i will use this but handy to have the option in an emergency)

The Zmax v5 is telescopic so allows you to use 18350, 18500 and 18650 batteries, i use the larger 18650 so to make them fit is easy simply unscrew the Zmax v5 until the correct size is reached.

switching on is easy 3 clicks and you are ready to go, the menu system is very easy to use wasn't sure how this was going to work with the one button but i found it easy to use, the only things i changed out of the box was option 7 power changed to watts and option 8 rms & mean changed to rms (being the more accurate) also option 2 power up i set this to 8w (if new to this then start low and find your ideal level).

All good to this point then this is where i had a major problem, i use a Kanger protank 2 (easy to get replacement parts locally) screwing the pt2 onto the Zmax v5 was smooth and solid once screwed down went to take my first draw and NOTHING! no airflow so unscrewed it and it worked fantastic clouds of vaper but the pt2 was wobbly and loose so not a great start or useability, searched about could not find a solution hit the forums and found the answer DON'T play about with the centre pin, open up the pt2 and pull the pin out slightly on the atty 2-3 mm should be fine,

with the pt2 you get a collar put this onto the Zmax v5 then put the pt2 back on check the pt2 is making contact (the ohms will register on the screen when it does) then enjoy, the pt2 feels solid and tight and everything sits flush the Zmax v5 produces clouds of vaper.

Once i overcame this issue i am really pleased with the Zmax v5 much better than my Vamo the pt2 doesn't gurgle and is much quieter than it was on the Vamo, the Zmax v5 performs brilliantly, size wise it fits in my pocket no problem. the screen is really bright and easy to read, battery life also seems to be very good over 500 puffs and only used 1/4 of the battery (how accurate the battery display is, only time will tell).

As i said first time doing anything like this please be kind and hopefully you find this review helpful.
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