Just after some advice really..
Has anyone replaced the 510 on a SQ with a spring loaded one?
If so, do you think it's worth doing?
I'm finding the standard one a bit of a faff to get a good connection with zero gap between the mod and RDA.
If your going to use an MM 510 it would be worth measuring up very closely as it looks a bit tight especially with the bottom pin connection with the tube/bottle/cap.
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The moddog 510 is very good but it's manually adjustable with a Allen key just like the sq 510 so it wouldn't sort the problem you are trying to fix...Some great info, thanks all.
I'll have a look at the Moddog one.
@Dripworx - let us know how you get on.
I know Ryan at Rockmodz swapped his out, buggered if I can find the fb page though.