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Silica / Mesh Wick.


Nov 16, 2012
Guys and Gals.
I'm trying to remain positive about mesh wicks even though I have not had much luck on my Genesis clone in the past. Just want to run something by you. I am wondering if a mesh wick with a silica base would be advantageous to:
1. Overcome shorting on the bottom of the Atty. (Most people pull their wick up a little bit.
2. Allow low level juices to be absorbed better.
It would mean that you can push the wick right down without fear of it shorting on the bottom. I think I have an easy way of doing this. I'll try and make one tomorrow if anyone reckons it might work or shall I climb back into my little hole.
If my theory works, it would also be used in an Igo to allow more juice to be added when using a mesh wick.
I t would work I think ... tho a properly oxidised mesh wick would work just as well in a geny .. I find mesh wicks far better than silica
I t would work I think ... tho a properly oxidised mesh wick would work just as well in a geny .. I find mesh wicks far better than silica

I agree, ive just rebuilt my vivi nova and now there is no harshness to it, just smoothness. +1 for mesh.
I like my hybrid wick on my igo, oxodized mesh wrapped around the silica. I needed to order more so I could do that with my AGA, I only ever oxo the top have of my wicks as I find the unoxo bottom bit doesnt turn my juice colours and it wicks better :)
KMS - Oh bums. Thought yours was just mesh. Damn, there goes the aptly named "James's Wet Wick".
Do you have the mesh longer and wrapping back under too?
KMS - Oh bums. Thought yours was just mesh. Damn, there goes the aptly named "James's Wet Wick".
Do you have the mesh longer and wrapping back under too?

Yep, I used about 3-4 inches of 1.5mm wick, doubled it up, oxo'd the mesh, wrapped it around, coiled it, attached it to the IGO, the finagled the extra wick around and tucked under. excellent vape!
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