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Silicone sleeve istick power 80


Mar 14, 2017
Hi there does anyone know where you can get the silicone protective sleeves for the istick power 80s

I got mine mine from Fasttech but you'll be in for a long wait from there
Hi thanks a long wait is fine as long as I get them. I couldn’t find them on eBay
Had another look on eBay can get them for other models but not the power 80.
Only place I could find was aliexpress but random colour and the shipping costs more than the case

You could always go with a zap wrap instead for it


They have them on Amazon but silly money and a month delivery so I wouldn't even bother looking there
Thanks for the help everyone I’ll take a look at Ali express Thankyou
Pm me your address and I’ll put one in the post for you, it’s a plain black silicone job I bought off Fastech, can’t remember ever using using it. Free of charge if you’re interested.

Edit, not sure if I’m allowed to do this with the Covid restrictions, so a forum moderator will probably need to ok it first.
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