There's definitely a wide variation in flavor & vapor across different drippers. I suggest you look at an RDA with adjustable air flow. You'll probably know about a few different drippers out there but i'll just add what i use.
The Atomic from MCV is to date my favorite rda, regardless of its size blah blah, it is brilliant imo. The device is a fiery steamy one, fast responding & direct. I use it @ 0.6 ohm dual 1.5mm micro coils & cotton wool. The flavour is excellent & the vapour is warm & full.
I recently got an Anima from Atmomixani. A different story this time. It's a smaller dripper & needs dripping more often. Micro coils now become nano in this & i like it with dual coil again & @ 0.8ohm with cotton wool.
The vape from this one is cooler, mildly warm but the flavour is still there & it does the job very well.
Their striker rda might suit you better being a 22mm.
I have just got the Norbert Origen V2 & have not test driven it yet but it has the reputation of being the best, most flavourful rda around right now so i will see later today.
The IGO rda's i think are damn good for their money & my fave so far has been the IGO T with its reduced chamber. Again it needs drilling out. UD made a good call by issuing them with a tight draw, easier to drill out than to close off.
Apart from those there's stuff like the Zenith V2 which again is supposed to be awesome & right up there with the best for all round flavour & the full nine yards. The Grand Vapour Triden v2 has a big fan club too. The Orieco storm has caused some ripples this year & is like a budget version of the origen v1. The Boss Mods Vertex is sensibly priced at the moment & said to be a nice vape. The APO is a current quiet contender, a bit like the Quasar rda. I have the APO & despite it's high top cap, it gives a big full flavoured vape but drinks juice a bit more.
Damn, there are some good options out there.