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Well. Similar amount of time to me in a way although i stopped in august, started again in december & stopped again in december. I experienced some sleep issues during my initial withdrawal period & that was without vaping. I put it down to tobacco withdrawal.
It could be that you're experiencing, just suggesting.
Are you on a high nic strength ?
Yeah maybe. I'm on18mg, but I'm planning to go down to 12 in a couple of weeks after I've used up the 18.
I find 18mg is ideal for work but for evening chain-vaping it's too much. I've dropped down to 12mg in the evening and it's not affecting my ability to get to sleep now. Maybe try laying off the vape for an hour before going to bed.
I agree with the above, having a low nic juice for the later hours may help. I had problems sleeping for the first few weeks on 12mg but it soon passed.
Difficulty sleeping is a problem directly linked to quitting smoking.

To put it simply, you have to vape 24mg nicotine on a 9 watt device for over half an hour to get the same amount of nicotine you would get from smoking a tobacco cig in 5 minutes.

Since we metabolize nicotine differently, our bodies are going to play all kinds of tricks on us to make us go back to "the way things were" if you get what I mean. Basically its your body telling you something is different, that difference is 4000 less chemicals and not the same amount of nicotine :)
Stopping smoking makes me wide awake all night and wanting to nap all day. But vaping has prevented most of the withdrawal symptoms for me and after three weeks I feel normal.

Since you gave up so long ago I'd be willing to guess that your sleep problems are unrelated, since your body has had plenty of time to adjust.

I am so prone to insomnia I once had crippling addiction to diazipam, now I live by these rules:

No caffeine after 5pm
No food or drink two hours before bed
No physical activity two hours before bed... (There are exceptions)
No phone, ipad, laptop in bed.
No T.V in the bedroom
Bedroom is for sleeping only, must be a clean and relaxing space
Bedroom must be as dark as possible
Read a book
Don't try to force sleep, after half an hour get up and do something else, then try again
Reduce your nicotine intake

if you do all that you'll sleep like a Hindu cow.
"To put it simply, you have to vape 24mg nicotine on a 9 watt device for over half an hour to get the same amount of nicotine you would get from smoking a tobacco cig in 5 minutes."

Wow! Really!?

"Basically its your body telling you something is different, that difference is 4000 less chemicals and not the same amount of nicotine."

Even after three months?
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