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Small Rebuildable tank


Feb 26, 2013
Hey all, I am currently using an AGA T2 and a couple iClear 16s for when I am out. I want to give the iClears the push in favour or a rebuildable of a similar size. I have managed to rebuild my iClears but it is fiddly. Are there any true rebuildables the size of a CE5/iClear 16? Something easy to recoil would be nice.
Hey all, I am currently using an AGA T2 and a couple iClear 16s for when I am out. I want to give the iClears the push in favour or a rebuildable of a similar size. I have managed to rebuild my iClears but it is fiddly. Are there any true rebuildables the size of a CE5/iClear 16? Something easy to recoil would be nice.

Evods are good and quite easy to coil with good results, just noticed after a while though the draw is getting tight but not sure why
Thanks but I had a kanger and didnt get on with it and I am really looking for a true RBA.
RSST should fit the bill then. Small ish and cheap as chips
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