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Smok IPX80.


Aug 4, 2020
It's time for a bit of a vape draw clear out so today I have a Smok IPX80 up for giveaway.

This is my ex-test device but hasn't been used since I reviewed it, so it's time for it to go.

It's in as new condition and contains all the boxing and peripherals. It even has it's original coils as I used my own for the test.

I won't run the comp for long, so if you want in, get your names down quickly.

If there are no takers, I'll give it to someone who asks, or a neighbour.

Peace and love.

With 3000mah battery and USB-C charging, I would be very interested in comparing it to my 'go to' Vappoo Vinci 40W which is positively great.
So, let me be the first to start the list going....

1. Cyman404
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