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So... 260 watts?

Tobh 28mm will do the job, you want some nice thick coils in there to hit 260w, I would recommend using at least 0.8 kanthal
I've heard bad things about this mod, perhaps @gords1001 or @Tubbyengineer could enlighten us?

I've heard nothing of this, but after a look at it I'd rather not go near it - 3x18650's, it's impossible to tell from the photo's what the battery configuration is but series would be stupid so they're probably parallel. That means at full power you'd be pushing nearly 12v @ 70amps into your atty. that will put a horrible strain on the electronics - my guess is that like the Vari-ant it will only fire full power in short bursts - and my guess would be almost anything will be unvapeable at that level...
The god mod is series iirc.

Personally I would steer clear if you are not set up to balance charge your cells. Stuff like this should be using an rc lipo pack, then its easy to balance the pack as an industry already caters for it.

The littleboy works at 350watts and has a decent juice capacity, but as someone who uses a 190watt build as my adv, I would personally be wary of this mod myself, not heard much on them as yet, but as pointed out you are going to be putting a heavy demand on inadequate cells that are not going to be charged in an ideal way. Ypu also run the risk of fitting a flat cell with two charged cells if you're not careful, that way lies reverse cgarging a cell and serious problems.

Sorry to sound so down, but there are easier safer ways to hit 260watts than these mods are using, and they are dangerously pushing the envelope on li ion cells.
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