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Spheroid V2 + SS Ba Gua 14500


Jul 12, 2012
Looking to sell my spheroid v2 and ba gau 14500 in ss. both are in great condition
The spheroid comes with base fork tool, and a few spairs and ss drip tip.
Ba gau has magentic switch and telescpic fireing pin. Comes with 4 efast 14500 batterys and quaint bag it came in
They are a great vape, but looking to raise some cash for car repairs ! (bloody car has now been in garage 3 weeks, only went in for MOT)
RRPs about £75 each + £15 batterys + £5 drip tip Total £170
All yours for a bargain price £120 (RMSD and paypal inc)
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Hi Jeff

i have the mod already but interested in the spheroid if you decide to split.
I don't mind splitting, as long as both sell. I've notting to use on the ba gau if the spheroid goes on its own. If anyone wants just the ba gau then great.

cheers jeff
I can understand that so fair enough.
I am on the hunt for a roid tho so hope someone takes the mod before I source another if you prefer to wait.
Ok decided to split these to see if there will be more interest, @Barracuda gets 1st refusal on the spheroid, as he asked.
Spheroid with drip tip and spairs £65 inc pp & pp
Ba Gau with 4 batterys £65 inc pp & pp
Both together £120 inc pp & pp due to savings on postage
ba gau price drop £55 all in or will concider trades let me know what you got, looking mainly for cash or 18350/18650 mods but will concider anything offered
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