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Squape R, R(s) kit and 3 Decks


Mar 5, 2014
Boxed Squape R for sale with full spares set, R (small tank without windows) tank, S deck, W deck and D deck (C deck has disappeared but will forward it on if I find it).

The Squape R is in excellent condition having not had much use and the RS tank is probably in as good condition as you will find second hand.

RRP approx £170. Looking for £75 (which includes postage)

Would prefer to sell to someone in the UK as price includes RMSD. If outside the UK please PM to discuss postage. Payment by Paypal Goods and Services

ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes1450206285.828604.jpg
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No Friends and Family Payments Sir T'is :rules2:
The package for sale includes the smaller tank, it's in the purple coloured tube thing to the right of the picture. It does not have any windows in it to view juice as it is all ss.

Is the RS (ss) genuine then if it doesn't have windows?
Is the RS (ss) genuine then if it doesn't have windows?

The RS was purchased from cloud 9, now creme de vape, they don't sell clone gear and it is 100% genuine. I don't think I have bought any clones for over 18 months, everything I buy is original. I mentioned the lack of windows due to another potential buyer who asked the question.
Yeah, I was on their site too, and can't see Ss with no windows. Not saying yours is a clone don't get me wrong
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