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Squid Industries Double Barrel mod 3FVape

I am so sticking my fingers in my ears and singing loudly. Mine works, and always will. I got the only good one in the batch. I'm not in denial, or worried about mine packing up. At all. The end.
I am so sticking my fingers in my ears and singing loudly. Mine works, and always will. I got the only good one in the batch. I'm not in denial, or worried about mine packing up. At all. The end.

I hope you got a good one. However, I feel it's important to understand the impermanence of things. Everything passes. We are but lines in the sand, washed away by the incoming tide. Your mod will perish. And so it must be :5:
I hope you got a good one. However, I feel it's important to understand the impermanence of things. Everything passes. We are but lines in the sand, washed away by the incoming tide. Your mod will perish. And so it must be :5:

I hope you got a good one. However, I feel it's important to understand the impermanence of things. Everything passes. We are but lines in the sand, washed away by the incoming tide. Your mod will perish. And so it must be :5:
Yes ..... but ideally not before you've used it? ;)
I love mine. It is my driving mod, as it fits perfectly in the hand whilst driving.
Yes ..... but ideally not before you've used it? ;)

Indeed :D I believe my supportive response earlier in the thread was something along the lines of "PayPal claim their sorry asses!". This morning I was (briefly) feeling very Zen and poetic :8:

In all honesty @Crewella, I'm in awe of how patient you've been about it all. I'd have demanded a refund and washed my hands of it weeks ago.
Phewblimeycough - mine almost stopped working just now. Blew hard into the top of the gap around the fire button. Lots* of liquid came out. Mopped inside and out with some tissue and it's fine now. Better than earlier in fact. Might want to give that a try with yours @Mawsley you never know. There was no outside sign of any leakage.

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