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Squid Industries Double Barrel mod 3FVape

That's why I'm so gutted by all this - I love the DB design and I SO want to love the mod. And I don't fall easy - I fell for the Zero mods when I joined here, bought several (clone) versions and still have yet to find something I like as much ....... and the DB was getting close ....... :(
Just enjoy the mod, and fuck off the shit that happened before you got it.
Same problem here. I enjoy "higher end" stuff, and it actually is pretty hard to find something smart looking at a decent price to screw on Corona V8, my VGs, Prime etc (because atties range from 22mm to 25mm). The Detonator (apart from the tacky LED stuff) looks sleek, and would suit a few of my tanks well.

Getting a bit scared now, if it's not just that Squid mods are visually broken but also mechanically, .. Hm. Maybe i'll have a look around for another single 21700 mod (apart from the SL Class, which is ugly as sin) that suits my stuff. £80 might not be the world in regards to price, but it's expensive enough (especially for not having a Yihi/DNA/Dicodes chip) for me to expect it to last. Harumph.
Same problem here. I enjoy "higher end" stuff, and it actually is pretty hard to find something smart looking at a decent price to screw on Corona V8, my VGs, Prime etc (because atties range from 22mm to 25mm). The Detonator (apart from the tacky LED stuff) looks sleek, and would suit a few of my tanks well.

Getting a bit scared now, if it's not just that Squid mods are visually broken but also mechanically, .. Hm. Maybe i'll have a look around for another single 21700 mod (apart from the SL Class, which is ugly as sin) that suits my stuff. £80 might not be the world in regards to price, but it's expensive enough (especially for not having a Yihi/DNA/Dicodes chip) for me to expect it to last. Harumph.

I'm warming to this...


not exactly high end or anything but it looks a lot smarter and cleaner than a lot of chinese mods coming out these days.
Considered one of those too until I saw pictures of how quickly the finish wears off the button etc., which was disappointing.
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