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Squid Industries Double Barrel mod 3FVape

What I don’t get is there must be thousands and thousands of these things but I can hardly find a bad word about it online. Very strange.

I went back and watched some youtube reviews of the DB and while they are all positive, if you read the comments underneath

'over priced'
'poor battery contacts'
'Numerous people have had these units fail'
'This mod is MADE in China, the build quality is not good'
'Made cheaply, should be priced cheaply.'
'Mine has a screen issue.'
'it's funny what you say about the battery door and if it ever becomes lose. mine is actually the opposite and is too tight/difficult to put into place (as if the batteries are too long). and the point where the door meets the mod, where it is flush in your video, there is a sizeable gap btwn my door and mod. I almost have to press down abnormally hard to get the door in place... far harder than demonstrated in your video. I've tried different batteries too and come away with the same result.'

those comments are all 5 or 6 months old...

'great mod but the quality of machining could be better.'
'really shocking battery contacts'
'screen isnt working'

... and this from 11 months ago.

'I love the mod BUT I bought a black one and a champagne one. Both devices were great for 1 week. One evening I was sat at my desk, vaped the black one, placed it upright on the desk and WTF the device started self firing on it's own accord. I thought the batteries were venting at first, then I realised it was the RTA crackling, jeez it's self firing. After that episode I decided to just use the champagne one, I didn't want to risk a house fire. 2 days later, the champagne version did exactly the same, self firing on my desk.'
I went back and watched some youtube reviews of the DB and while they are all positive, if you read the comments underneath

'over priced'
'poor battery contacts'
'Numerous people have had these units fail'
'This mod is MADE in China, the build quality is not good'
'Made cheaply, should be priced cheaply.'
'Mine has a screen issue.'
'it's funny what you say about the battery door and if it ever becomes lose. mine is actually the opposite and is too tight/difficult to put into place (as if the batteries are too long). and the point where the door meets the mod, where it is flush in your video, there is a sizeable gap btwn my door and mod. I almost have to press down abnormally hard to get the door in place... far harder than demonstrated in your video. I've tried different batteries too and come away with the same result.'

those comments are all 5 or 6 months old...

'great mod but the quality of machining could be better.'
'really shocking battery contacts'
'screen isnt working'

... and this from 11 months ago.

'I love the mod BUT I bought a black one and a champagne one. Both devices were great for 1 week. One evening I was sat at my desk, vaped the black one, placed it upright on the desk and WTF the device started self firing on it's own accord. I thought the batteries were venting at first, then I realised it was the RTA crackling, jeez it's self firing. After that episode I decided to just use the champagne one, I didn't want to risk a house fire. 2 days later, the champagne version did exactly the same, self firing on my desk.'
No bud. That's a bonus feature. Auto firing to save your finger from work. (3f, you can use that if you want).
I went back and watched some youtube reviews of the DB and while they are all positive, if you read the comments underneath

Only the very, very brave venture into comments sections on Youtube.
In other news, my TAC is now one day old and hasn't blown up, autofired or fallen apart.

Which means it's now one day closer to its inevitable death.

Sad times.
In other news, my TAC is now one day old and hasn't blown up, autofired or fallen apart.

Which means it's now one day closer to its inevitable death.

Sad times.
But are you enjoying it? Living on the edge ......... ;)
Only the very, very brave venture into comments sections on Youtube.

yeah, it's not something I would usually recommend ... but it does make interesting reading under the glowing reviews of vape products.
yeah, it's not something I would usually recommend ... but it does make interesting reading under the glowing reviews of vape products.
This stuff is your bag bud. Surely you can knock them something up.
The new explosive mod from squid. Zero battery rattle (cos either they don't fit or fit so tight they're never going anywhere).
Each mod comes with official testers signature (signature may be a screwdriver Mark).
Spin.the positives.
Speaking of which.
Eyeball you enjoy mtl or a sedate bit of sub 40w squonking don't you.
We've got just the mod for you to test, they said.

Pic will follow.
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