Hi folks, new member with poor writing skills here needing some advice. I was a smoker of 30 ish cigarettes aday until I was introduced to vapeing around 5 weeks ago, and went out and brought a starter pack from this link http://www.vipelectroniccigarette.co.uk/photon-super-tank-kit-p-125.html however my battery has now gone faulty and after visiting the vendor I was told that my battery maybe part of a bad batch that thinks its charged when it actually is not? either way he offered to exchange the battery, all well and good ... happy days except the vendor and the web site have been out of stock now for 2 weeks and counting but are allways out of stock, when they do have stock its normally sold out with in a couple of days. so I want to go elsewhere and would appreciate some recommendations of a good starter pack that has readily available replacements, got to go work now but will look back in when I finish this evening. thanks folks