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starter kit reccomendations?


New Member
Jun 20, 2013
Hi folks, new member with poor writing skills here needing some advice. I was a smoker of 30 ish cigarettes aday until I was introduced to vapeing around 5 weeks ago, and went out and brought a starter pack from this link http://www.vipelectroniccigarette.co.uk/photon-super-tank-kit-p-125.html however my battery has now gone faulty and after visiting the vendor I was told that my battery maybe part of a bad batch that thinks its charged when it actually is not? either way he offered to exchange the battery, all well and good ... happy days except the vendor and the web site have been out of stock now for 2 weeks and counting but are allways out of stock, when they do have stock its normally sold out with in a couple of days. so I want to go elsewhere and would appreciate some recommendations of a good starter pack that has readily available replacements, got to go work now but will look back in when I finish this evening. thanks folks
Hi there well done for giving up the stinkies :) I had a cigalike, then moved on to this:
A riva deluxe 1100 kit from vapeescape, great service post etc. I have had these batteries now for nearly 6 months with no problems, I used the original clearo on it but prefer Kanger t3's. I have a zmax also but use the rivas most of the day. I vape heavy and a battery normally lasts all day.
Its a 510 thread.
Hope that helps :)
If I could start again I'd have gone straight for a Vamo and a Zmax along with a handfull of Evods and saved money I threw at Evo batteries and CE4/5 cartos.

Vaping changed for me immeasurably when I did step up and I don't mind carrying around something of size. It's horses for courses though and depends upon how long you want to wait and how much you want to spend.

If you can tolerate the 2-3 wk delivery wait you're unlikely to buy cheaper than Fasttech for Ego sets. For roughly the same thing from a reliable company run by two lovely people (not related to me) but quick delivery and willing support you could do worse than buy a starter kit from Vaper Train.

Juices depend upon taste, I love the stuff that http://www.juicy-licious.co.uk/ and http://www.wavesofvapour.co.uk/ do.
Hi and welcome,

you could try these:




Most of these places have various kits for sale, these are just a small selection.

Personally, I would source the separate items yourself, if I were you.
The starter kit you already have has a charger that will connect to many other Ego style batteries.
So really you just need a battery or two and clearomizer ,cartomizer or tank of some sort.
All these items can be bought from the 'Marketplace' right here on this Forum.
I hope you have success finding a reliable setup that suits your budget and your needs.
There are plenty of vendors and vapers on here that will be willing to give you advice ,and help you find what you need.
VIP - The retailer that got me off the stinkies! If you like their juice (I do!), you can continue to order that from them. If I could start over again, I'd jump straight to a decent variable voltage / wattage device as I spent a lot of money on VIP stuff. First the standard kit, then the ego style that you have (my batteries are still going luckily). I'd go for a Vamo or a Zmax + batteries and charger. You can use whatever kit you've been using from VIP with that kind of set up and have a wander around the forum and ask questions. I wish that I had of done that as I would have saved a fair amount of money.
Got my 1st kit from Really (they got 15% off at min) 2x1100 batts,2xcarts,charger and case for £35 less 15%. Used daily for last 3 months and still going strong although treated myself to a Zmax for evening home use now with the money saved not having cigs, cant recommend them enough for starting out and their juice is not bad either
Got my 1st kit from Really (they got 15% off at min) 2x1100 batts,2xcarts,charger and case for £35 less 15%. Used daily for last 3 months and still going strong although treated myself to a Zmax for evening home use now with the money saved not having cigs, cant recommend them enough for starting out and their juice is not bad either
Hi all thanks for the replies, im likeing the look of izzy11 recommendation of the riva deluxe 1100 to get me back on the vapeing road, HOWEVER I fully intend as finances permit to build up to a better model maybe mix and match along with making my own liquids, this site is ab fab for help and advice to help me do this, thanks for your replies and help peeps
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