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Review StealthVape (The Vaping Vicar of Bexhill-on-Sea)


Apr 17, 2014
There's something ethereal about StealthVape.
I receive orders almost before I've placed them.
Enquiries are answered almost before I've written them.
Advice is given almost before I've asked for it.
Prices seem from a different age.
Samples appear as if from another world... was that a wisp of sea fog that escaped when I opened the Jiffy bag?
All very strange ...

I noticed orders are despatched from The Vicarage, Bexhill-on-Sea* and all became clear.
Rob IS the Reverend Doctor Christopher Syn! Yes, probably had to move from Dymchurch to avoid those pesky customs officers. Certainly explains the prices.
I'll not blow the whistle. I need his services too much.
In my mind though, he is now "The Vaping Vicar of Bexhill-on-Sea".

Bless you Reverend**.

*A smuggling town variously described, by Spike Milligan I think, as "the only cemetery above ground" and "a sleepy English seaside town where, from time to time, nothing happens"

** Psst! If you ever come across a "cargo" of really good NR-R-NR zappers; stick it on the back of the cart to Smugglers End; I'll pick it off at Haywards Heath.
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