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Steamcrave @scrumpox


Aug 29, 2016
@scrumpox .Because the Aromomiser supreme is so good I bought a smaller model, been having dry hit issues with the first juice I've ran through it (just jam) which is an 80/20 mix.
I notice it's hard to fill this tank with it so I'd imagine as these are the holes that feed the wick, going out the way it came in will be just as hard?
It's a funny design that ideally needs a needle nose syringe to fill without mess.

Any tips? Plenty in the box, as well made as my other. This is hopefully going to replace my other tanks for normal every day use.
I'm vaping 70-85 VG juices all the time. The thicker the juice the fluffier you need to make the wick tails and the lighter you need to rest those tails on the deck. With juice that thick you'll not have to worry about leaking, so go as light as you dare. I trim out one third of the wick tail when the juice is really viscous otherwise the tails swell up and over the circumference of the deck.
Never had a problem with juice not flowing but I know what you mean about filling time with those holes. A syringe without a needle works well when placed over one of the holes.
Best wishes for a flavourful vape.
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