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steel rope wick

big benson

Oct 17, 2013
Your thoughts anyone? like,dislike,pros,cons.
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Got ss rope in all my atties. My preference so far, all wrapped at the top with 400 ss mesh. very easy to do/use, no problems so far.
DOH ha edited
pmsl bud ...Ive used rope wick but i found it very harsh and after a while i noticed that it went like a rusty colour could of just been the rope i used was meant to be ss though :hmm::hmm:
Hi big benson I did have an igo-L a while back, I bought it used and it came with a rope wick installed with a touch of GVC in it. I am not sure how old the wick was but to me it was tasting really metalic. I had the materials to hand so I built a fresh one, followed all the video tutorials and oxidized it correctly, got it all to work and glow evenly but was still left with that sharp metalic taste. I shall be purchasing an RSST shortly and will have a go with it again. Not sure if getting that metalic taste is a trate with it or you just have to be patient and wait for a build up of the juice to take place on the wick. Perhaps somebody with some experience will come along here and advise.
Two things that may help with the taste, when first heating the wire, do you juice treat it too? (soak with a little juice and use a lighter to set fire to the juice to burn it off) ii do this 2 or 3 times, for me it helps break in the rope to relieve some of the taste/wicking problems. Also try insert the rope into an ekowool sleeve, this helps with taste/wicking and makes it easy to set up a coil.
I usually torch the rope but on a couple of builds I didn't bother as the ss mesh was torched anyway. I have tried the juice prime n burn method but tbh never really noticed a difference. Make sure the wick isn't touching the base of atty if metal (RSST is not but its best not to let it touch incase it does get hot).
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