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Steeping is when you DIY and leave your liquid for a few days up to a few weeks in a dark dry place, shaking every now. Its to let the flavour 'mature' so to speak. But I've found some flavours you can vape straight off the bat.
and do you take the cap "and" nozzle off?. Is it like letting wine "breathe"? letting the air get to the liquid?
Well I personally don't take the caps off. Just give it a good shake a couple of times a day. Then let it set until the next day, repeat. I've read some people "Speed Steep" by take the caps off and boiling in water. (Standing up, not letting water get in the bottle, like warming up a babies bottle). But I've never tried that.

Only thing you could try ... Mix some up. Try a little if there is little to no flavour, then steep for a few days, try again. Just keep testing then write down how long it took for that particular flavour. It's all trial and error. If there is plenty of flavour, vape away :)
Hi Trotters,

As mentioned above, steeping is when you leave bottles for a few days (maybe longer) to allow all the flavours to fully mix.

Different flavours will have different steeping times so it will be a trial and error process.

Majority of ready made juice you buy from vendors will also need steeping for a few days, best way is to ask the manufacturer how they recommend you steep it.

I usually leave to steep for 5 days with the lid on, shaking twice a day, and then take the lid off for another day.
I also keep mine in a dry dark cupboard which works best for me.

You can heat the liquid up to speed up the steeping process as mentioned above, but heat will reduce / ruin your nicotine levels, so I wouldnt advise it.

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