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Stupid question number 1- clearomizer Ecab+


Aug 14, 2013
Sorry I really apologise if this has been asked before .. I'm new and also really inexperienced in vaping (ie less than a week).

I have managed to break the clearomizer on my Joyetech Ecab+ and can't seem to find anywhere with replacement clearomizers in stock on the internet and i on't have the confidence to ask in any of the local vaping shops in case they burst out laughing at my idiocy...

my question is this...

do I have to use joyetech clearomizers for the ecab+ cause they seem to be rarer than hens teeth or can I use unbranded /other branded clearomizers ..and if so can you experienced experts out there recommend one for me ??

I would be ever so grateful for your help.

If the eCab has a 510 threading on it, you can use any 510 piece on it....brb while I look up the threading size for an ecab :D

Edit to add: It looks like the ecab has its own threading so you would need to find something like this http://www.ecigbestsave.com/Joye-eCab-to-510-thread-adapter-p/ecab-adapter.htm in order to use other 510 items.... Ill see if I cant find one :D

edit to add: http://www.epuff.co.uk/?ItemNo=346

Ive never used these guys, but its about the closest I could find. I though VapeEscape might have them in stock, but they dont...
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