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Subtank mini ohms fluctuating


Jul 7, 2015
I thought I'd make a little post here as I discovered a little technical issue with the subtank mini (possibly nano and mega?)

Anyway after buying the mini I had about 2 weeks with no problems. Used occ coils and the rba. Then one day I got dry hits and looked at what wattage I was on. I found every time I fired my mvp the ohms resistance fluctuated.
After doing some searching online I checked firstly the screws holding the coil in ( all were tight ) then decided to strip and clean it. That didn't work. Then decided to take a bit of wet and dry to the 510 pin and checked it was touching the rba base and the pin of the mvp. Several attempts didn't solve it.

Then I noticed that when I turned the airflow ring the ohms would change. Now some models you can separate the base from the part that the rba sits on but mine wouldn't budge. Must be different or a lot of loctite applied to the threads (could be what's causing bad continuity)

Anyway the last resort to solve this I managed to take a piece of non resistance wire (from an Atlantis coil) although any not resistance wire should work. I managed to jam it between the very bottom part of the base and the airflow ring. There is a small gap.

This has fixed it and it hasn't fluctuated since. The downside to this is that it stops the airflow ring from moving so you can't control the air. I have mine wide open anyway so I'm not too fussed.

So yeah hope it helps someone and maybe kanger can improve the conductivity of their sub tanks.
Here is a picture showing where I had to jam the wire in. ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes1437564327.449742.jpg
I had the same problem with my subtank mk1 and ended up getting the base to separate and ended up breaking the rba section and losing the locking bearing all in one go, which lead to the subtank finding its way into the bin. I have bought the mk2 with the vertical coils and not yet had a problem.
Must be a small occurrence then. Well I'll leave it up just in case anyone has a problem in the future
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