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Swapping copper for silver - worth it?


Aug 9, 2014
As per the title really, probably going to cost about a tenner per mod to swap out the copper contacts for silver ones, in purely performance terms is it worth the outlay?

If they are both as clean as a whistle I doubt you’d notice much difference. The draw for me would be that copper needs to be cleaned so frequently, silver would take much longer to tarnish so would end up performing better, for longer.

(I should point out that I don’t really squonk but use mech tubes, and find that aluminium, copper, brass and stainless steel all perform pretty much the same. Just that the copper and brass are s pain to keep clean.
Probably only worth doing if you are going to replace the 510 as well, Moddog make a silver plated 510 but they are not cheap. I have a few mods with moddog 510's and silver contacts - they perform noticeably better imo.
I only use mechs now as I was not getting the vape I like from regulated mods
pretty much what @tobywonkanobi said im no expert but there isn't much differents in the copper or silver silver probably performs slightly better by a nats wisker but it dosent tarnish as quickly as copper so silver will give you a better connection for longer before you have to clean it that said if you take 10 mins out once a week to clean the contacts i dowt to you see much difference between the two
I honestly don't think you'll see any performance difference. Copper is a great conductor and tbh with the thickness of metal in squonkers it wouldn't matter much what metal you used.
It's true copper needs the contact cleaned once in a while but so does silver.
Silver does look nicer though but like I said performance will be the same.
I own squonk mods with copper and silver contacts and tbh i can't tell the difference in performance between them. Both have MM510, which are banging 510's btw
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