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Sweetener advise


Sep 12, 2015
right, got all my bits and bobs ordered and should be here over the weekend, so I'm just putting together my first order for concentrate, done a bit of research for the juice I'm looking to have a go at for my first attempt, most of them require sweetener, am I best getting the standard stuff or a flavour toner/enhancer?

Also is menthol really that strong, seen a few recipes and it says only one or two drops

And I'll apologise in advance for the amount of threads looking for help/advise over the coming weeks :11:
Sweetener is good but very strong, it also has the problem of causing coils to gunk up pretty fast. You can still add 1-2 drops per 10ml and be good. It's a great way to add sweet flavour but can easily overpower the juice and make it unbearably sweet.

Flavour enhancers are also something you can use although not to replace sweetener. For eg.
I made a juice and added 1drop of sweetener per 10ml to it for a sweeter taste but I also added 1 drop per 40ml of wizard vape just to mellow it out and stop any "flavour spikes" as I like to call them. It sort of balances it all out, however again if used too much can ruin the juice and completely mute the flavours.

Your best bet is to experiment in small batches as taste is subjective. You may love a flavour I hate and vice versa.
I use ethyl maltol as a sweetener. You can buy a 10ml bottle of it in crystal form which will make enough for a year or two when mixed with PG. Concentrates like caramel, dulche de leche, meringue etc are also useful for adding sweetness.
Menthol is very potent, I find. 1% can dominate everything else in a juice but I think it settles down with enough steeping. That's for me though, I know some people add it in higher percentages than that and seem to like it.
I've found Sucralose to be the most potent, followed by PA Sweetener, Stevia and EM.

Menthol depends on what else is in the mix. On its own or with perhaps one other flavour it can be overpowering, but in something like a Snake Oil clone with other strong flavours I use it at 5% or more.
Try avoid sweetners were possible by flavour paring, if your going for candy flavours use stevia and if cream or custard based flavour use brown sugar sweetner
I'd say you may get away without using sweetener in a menthol mix but I always put a little in my mixes. It's very easy to add too much though so keep your sweet tastebuds in check and try not to go over 1%. I worked my way up to 3% before I realised it was too sweet when comparing to premium juices. It's quite hard to get back down as everything tastes bland. Probably much like eating too much salt.

In short, stick to 1% sweetner and no more IMHO
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