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SWOF Message received


Jul 18, 2012
I was pondering the apparent lack of news on the SWOF (Smoke Without Fire) documentary and posted the trailer on Facebook. I am relieved to say that the documentary maker, one Andy Sutton (or smoketovape to those who remember hiis older videos) replied

Andrew John Sutton Mark - yes indeed - all still happening. And the recent vote for cigarettes and against people's freedom has given us an option for the ending - but is it the end? Will the actions of those in power create a black market? In 3 years, will all the new vapers want to hand in their refillable tanks and discard their now mainstream battery mods? I will be putting an updated video on the SWOF channel soon about my plans with SWOF.

<a class="uiLinkSubtle" href="https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10151931732450216&id=691090215&comment_id=28453809&offset=0&total_comments=8" data-ft="{&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;N&quot;}" data-reactid=".6.1:3:1:$comment10151931732450216_28453809:0.0.$r ight.0.$left.0.3.$metadata:0.$timestamp-message"><abbr class="livetimestamp" title="Friday, 21 March 2014 at 23:53" data-utime="1395446028" data-reactid=".6.1:3:1:$comment10151931732450216_28453809:0.0.$r ight.0.$left.0.3.$metadata:0.$timestamp-message.0"></abbr>
Here is that original trailer (a little outdated now but still powerful) for those who haven't seen it and I would recommend subscribing to the youtube SWOF channel. Lots of videos there

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..and an email just received

Project Update #8: Bigger, better and fighting harder...
Posted by SMS Ltd. ♥ Like

As some of you may know the European Union voted this month that electronic cigarettes are to be regulated. With limits on nicotine strength, bottle size, device specifications and heavy handed advertising restrictions many have protested and aim to defy the ruling to ensure they can keep "vaping". These government controls may come into play in 2016 and many experts predict that it will change the landscape of the European e-cig industry, and therefore impact on the users of these revolutionary devices.

This film project is now a marathon and we are determined to cover this important story and see how things play out. We are more determined to create a feature length film than ever before.

The frequency of the films we release on YouTube may slow down a bit, but please rest assured that we are still filming, editing and researching. Our aim is to release the feature film once the effect of this government control is visible by which time the amount of e-cig users will have grown even more. Think of "Super SIze Me" - a film which made a multimillion dollar global restaurant chain change it's menu.

So, we keep rolling, editing, and trying - and again, that's all because of YOU - the backers.

Once we have a film with a beginning middle and end, we will be sending out the perks to those who supported us - this will be a special version of the film and probably not the final cut - but it will have a conclusion. If the film turns out how we hope it will - and the right people like it - we might launch phase 2 of funding - but before that can happen, we need to get the current project to conclude satisfactorily.

SWOF is also a very small team of people, primarily me - so on occasion life, work and taxes impact on my ability to go as quickly as I would like it to go - but SWOF is always at the forefront in my mind at all times and we are taking steps to making something special - and lasting.

If anyone has any questions, comments or queries - please drop me a line or leave a comment.

Kindest regards,

Andy & the SWOF team.
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