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Review SX Mini M Class text review


Oct 17, 2013
Well what can I say about the SX Mini M Class?

I will start by saying that this thing is the single best vaping purchase I have ever made, period!

From the minute you lift it from its box it just screams sheer class from top to bottom. For anyone thinking “how good can a device from china be?” I’ll answer that question by saying it’s as good as anything from anywhere else in the world and better than most!

I’ve had a chance to play with it for a couple of days now and can honestly say the device has worked as expected, perfectly. No weird behaviour from the chip or niggling little faults with build or anything.

I’ve had a genuine DNA40 device and had nothing but bother with it. The DNA40 chip is very much a ‘work in progress’ chip, even though it came out first the DNA40 chip has been well and truly trounced by this SX350J chip (although that wasn't difficult as the DNA40 chip pretty much committed suicide).

There’s no weird temperature control pixies at work changing your resistance while the device is idle, no screen funkiness, no battery bar issues and no jumping in and out of temp mode when it feels like it.
With the SX Mini you attach your nickel coiled device, sync the mod with your attached device and that’s it. Everything just works and works really, really well.

Now I know that the DNA40 chip has been revised again and from what I've heard now also has the resistance lock feature, however, what about everyone who has the older chip?

The build quality is just fabulous and the fit and finish is truly astonishing, the screen is bright and clear and easily readable outside in the sun. 510 connector is perfect and very robust and the buttons are nice and clicky and accurate.

The only very small niggle I have is that at times the battery cap is a bit of a pain to get the threads started but that’s the price you pay for fine threading I suppose. But other than that it’s just simply a stunning device and one that feels like its gonna last.

The service I received from the guys at Hog Vaping was spot on, I ordered one day and it came the next day before 1pm.

Honestly if anyone is debating whether to get this or a DNA40 device, stop thinking and buy this, the SX350J chip is far and away a better chip, far more accurate and with none of the DNA40 faults (of which there are many). As a bonus too, if YIHI update the firmware on the SX350J chip, you can update yours yourself with the included micro USB cable and the driver you can download from YIHI’s website. With a DNA40 device, once you’ve bought it, tough, you’re forgotten about and left with a glitchy device.

Well done Hog Vaping and well done YIHI, a fabulous device supplied be an equally fabulous vendor, cheers.
Got mine from hogvaping also, very good service from them guys, shame there not members here.
Does the warning sign of "no liquid dry coil" come up for kanthal builds too or is it just for nickel coils?
Also amazing review its spot on
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