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SX350 Squonker.


Jul 11, 2014
Here is my new toy, made out of worktop samples and a U-can!

Apologies for the crappy video, recorded it on my phone!


Hope you like it, I sure do :)
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Awesome job there, I am just about to start a similar project I hope mine turns out half as good!
Good stuff Eddie, I wish you the best of luck. As always there are things i'm not 100% happy with, like the switch, I wish ihad a used a SS or Ally one and with a slightly lower profile, but it works and doesn't look too out of place like this. The screen is just a gnats cock to small and very slightly miss aligned, could do with being 1mm more on the internal diameter of the bezel and shifted 1mm to the left, but again it works and I can read the display well enough. Just little things that I'd pay more attention to if i made it over again.
Nice one, and if you decide to go into production, put me in top spot
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