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Taifun GT clone


Jan 15, 2014
Hi splendid PotVapers,
I would LOVE to try a Taifun GT (original but that's not in my [Grim Green style] budget [hands] at the mo) clone but I don't have one or a nice friend who has one or anything like that so I'm looking for a swapsie or cheap buy here. I've got bits n bobs to trade (AGA-T2, Kangertech stuff [Evod, T3S mini, Protank 2], brand spankers Vivi's, juice [12mg Mrs Lord], rebuildable supplies, deck screws n airflow control grubs for Kayfuns and maybe some other stuff and/or a wee bit of cash in exchange. So if you have one and it's not your cup of proverbial or you're all Kayfun now or something like that please let me know.

All the very best and happy vaping


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