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Talking tanks


Feb 6, 2014
Howdy all, not been around here a lot in a while

So the last few years I have been 100% a billet box or boro man - can’t remember last time I used a tank (2018 was my last insta post featuring a tank) and that was an Odis Tanko

I was a huge fan of that, now I’m in the market for a new tank - looking for

Max 25mm in width
510 drip tip

What do you recommend and which shops are good for tanks to buy from ?
Profile RDTA if you can still get your hands on one. Can be run mesh or coils, best of both worlds.

I'd say a Blotto 1.5 but i think thats just out side your diameter requirements, and an 810 tip.

Pretty sure the Profile came with an 810 to 510 adapter though
The sure is nice for rdl or if you want to bridge the gap between boro and rta there's the hazard.

I'm mostly mtl so that's kinda the best I've got for ya
Profile RDTA if you can still get your hands on one. Can be run mesh or coils, best of both worlds.

I'd say a Blotto 1.5 but i think thats just out side your diameter requirements, and an 810 tip.

Pretty sure the Profile came with an 810 to 510 adapter though

Isn’t the profile only an 810 drip ?
Oh and the thc tauren mtl 1.5 don't be fooled by the mtl in its name it can have plenty of airflow, super smooth too
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