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TapaTalk Issues

Gummy Bare

Mar 4, 2014
What's up guys, I'm kinda new around here and noticing some issues with tapatalk (the cell phone forum app).

I usually do a lot of forum posting on my phone with the use of tapatalk... it's super easy to keep track of things with the application. I am able to log into POTV with the tapatalk app, I'm actually using right now as I type. The issue I'm seeing is nothing shows up under the "Latest" and then "participated" area of the app.

This area is usually were you go to show you what threads/posts you have started or commented in and highlights the ones that have had new comments since the last time you've read that post/thread.

This latest/participated area for me is completely blank... as if I have never started or commented on a single thread, which isn't the case. Not sure what's going on or if I'm doing something wrong here.

Any help would be appreciate.
Looking into it now, we have an update available for it so its been forwarded onto the man in charge
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