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TC Claptons in a Goblin Mini…can be done!


Mar 1, 2014
I'm not a prolific poster, but I'm chuffed at getting dual Ti1 claptons into a Goblin Mini V2 without shorting the coils on the chamber tube and thought I'd share. Essentially, 32awg kanthal on a 26awg Ti1 core, 4.5 wraps on a 2.5mm mandrel - showing 0.12 ohms on an RX200. The nifty trick was to slightly squish the coils to make them oval and increase clearance, while maximising space for the wick. Fiddly, for sure, but well worth the effort. Being a daft ol' biddy and desperate to try the new build, I forgot to take photos, although the 'ovality' is barely noticeable and it looks much like any other clapton setup. Oh yeah…it vapes like a demon :2thumbsup:
A little off topic, but you inspired me to try something similar.

I tried a fused clapton in a Velocity RDA.

Twin core of ss316 0.35mm, wrapped with 0.32mm kanthal.

6 wraps with an ID of 3.5mm, came in at 0.4 Ohms.

Wicked with cotton bacon V2.

Its a tight fit even on the velocity, but vapes good on the Sigelei TC150. 50Joules at 125 degs C.

Not convinced the TC will work correctly, but so far no dry hits.

Good thing about these wires is I dont have to stay with TC mode anyway.

My first attempt at a fused clapton, so not as pretty as some I have seen, but as a first go I'm not ashamed of it. If I knew how to post a pic I would.
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A little off topic, but you inspired me to try something similar.

I tried a fused clapton in a Velocity RDA.......Not convinced the TC will work correctly, but so far no dry hits.

Good thing about these wires is I dont have to stay with TC mode anyway.

I found the preset TCR for SS316L a bit low and adjusted it to 100-102 on the mods that have variable TCR value. There's a little more on this at https://www.planetofthevapes.co.uk/...d-vaping/threads/tcr-values-for-ss316.108214/

Thanks for that, TC didnt work very well with this set up, but switched to the X Cube 2 which allows TCR to be adjusted, slightly different coil, core wire 0.4mm ss316L and ID of 2.5mm but other things being equal.

This coil came in at 0.28 ohms and the TCR on Steam Engine shows 88 for this configuration. What a buffoon I am forgot all about the TCR till you reminded me.

Now vaping at a more believable 175 deg C and the temp control seems to be working, could probably go hotter but there is plenty of flavour and vapour.

This second attempt is a much prettier coil and fits with room to spare.

I usually struggle to get the wicking right for TC, but this set up appears much more forgiving.

Below is the info I got from the Steam Engine wire wizard, no idea what most of it means, but it gave me the TCR. Dont know if the TC precision is good or bad, but I assume its worse that plain stainless.

Resistance 0.287 Ω
Resistivity 2.95 Ω/m
TCR in vaping range 878 ×10-6
TC precision 252
Heat flux per Watt 0.64 mW/mm²
Heat capacity 441.26 mJ/K
Current per Volt 3.49 A
Power dissipated 100 %
Width 1.44 mm
Thickness 1.04 mm
Length 97.27 mm
Surface area 1559.04 mm²
Cross section area 0.33 mm²
Volume 129.61 mm³
Mass 942.25 mg
Density 7.27 g/ccm
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Thanks for that, TC didnt work very well with this set up, but switched to the X Cube 2 which allows TCR to be adjusted, slightly different coil, core wire 0.4mm ss316L and ID of 2.5mm but other things being equal.

This coil came in at 0.28 ohms and the TCR on Steam Engine shows 88 for this configuration. What a buffoon I am forgot all about the TCR till you reminded me (..........)

Looks like a monster coil ..... don't reckon I'll be squeezing 2 of those into a Goblin Mini! :18: My advice, fwiw, is to keep tinkering with temp, wattage & TCR - the sweet spot's usually in there somewhere and I'm guessing the ability to find it quicker relies on the voice of experience, which I sorely lack although Steam Engine definitely helps. Another thing I've noticed, and it really deserves another thread, is that TCR on both my RX200 and my eVic VTC Mini responded differently after applying a firmware upgrade. Perhaps the manufacturers are finding inconsistencies too!
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