A little history of the box.
I've been looking for a box for about a year and a half now. It couldn't be any old box, it had to be the right box. The other month I decided to dig out my old chisels and see if I could make the box, it's been a long time since they have seen the light of day but I had to try. I don't have a garden anymore, I have a shed which is full of crap at the moment and my old bench vice is somewhere at the back of this shed. Working on a box with no real workspace proved to be a pain in the arse, by the end of a week I had managed to split 3 versions of the box and got frustrated and gave up.
My brother in law came round the other week and we got chatting about my box and the troubles I was having, he loves wood and has spent the last couple of years learning how to work wood on a lathe. He said he would give it a go using a bench drill and a cutting bit he has, so we talked about what I want for my box, sizes, how I wanted the lid to look and the such.
After a week he got back to me and said it wasn't working for him but he has decided he's gonna buy a milling machine for his shed.
Wednesday morning he messaged me and said that my box was almost ready and would be finished by evening, Wednesday evening came and he sent me the above pictures of my box. This box will make it into my possession on Saturday and I will keep this thread updated regularly.