A mod doing TC properly will heat the coil to the set temp almost instantly, hence setting watts higher, then constantly measures the resistance & adjusts power to maintain the temp. The temp protection warning just means the mod has sensed that the coil is at the right temp & is throttling back on power. On good TC mods this is smooth & you don't notice the power cycling on/off. On poor mods/builds you'll feel the pulsing as the power is switched on/off. It requires a shift in the mindset as, except with SS, resistance isn't the main concern. SS due to being a low TCR doesn't perform as well at lower ohm (smaller change in resistance makes it hard for the boards to calculate temp accurately). You'll also find more complex flavours react differently at different temps, highlighting some at lower temp & others at higher temp.Ah,I'm understanding it a bit more,instead of the power it reacts with the wire and yes that would produce a smoother vape,loads to learn,back to lurking and reading